
Journey With You

Growth Mindset

The Power of Yet Carol Dweck – Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Her key contribution to social psychology relates to the concept of Fixed Mindsets, and Growth Mindsets. In her talk on TED, she explored the Power of Yet. I’d like to share some snippets & takes: A high school in Chicago. Where…

The Gift of Simple

“No choice”, or my choice? “I can”, but do I really need? “Must have!”, is it true? Who truly matters? What matters, truly? Story, of someone with plenty of ingredients for “success” in life, who chose the gift of Simple. (Special thanks to Gemma K, who lead me to this story )

The Joy of Learning

Flip Classroom At Los Altos school, the teachers have Flipped the Classroom, tapping into the free learning resources on Khan Academy. “We’ve used your videos to flip the classroom. You’ve given the lectures, so now what we do is I assign the lectures for homework, and what used to be homework, I now have the…

The Puzzle of Personality

“Why do people not seem to get me?” “It’s so obvious, why can’t they see?” “This is so interesting, why don’t they want to join me?” Puzzled. Perplexed. Vexed? Great insights, by Dr Little as he dissects the surprising differences between introverts and extroverts. I’m particularly intrigued by how our personality may be more malleable…

How to Make Stress your Friend

There is healthy stress, and unhealthy ones. The line is for us to balance.You may ask, so what is healthy stress, what is unhealthy? Mey’s simple take: E.g. I’d like to make yummy veggie pies. Healthy is Motivating: Think: “People comment that my pie veggies are uneven in size. Sometimes over/undercooked. Ahh…I can look for…

Psychotherapy: What does it Treat?

Psychotherapy addresses issues of: General:  Disorders: Anxiety disorders:  phobias; social anxiety; panic attacks; trauma Mood disorders: depression; bipolar disorder Personality Disorders: borderline personality disorder; psychosis; Schizophrenia Other disorders:  Types of psychotherapy The types of psychotherapy can be broadly described under: Behavioural Therapy Certain behaviours develop from past learnings, which may have negative impact on your life and…

Finding Mental Health Help in SG

How is psychotherapy practiced in SG? The typical pathway:  A psychiatrist may tag team with a psychologist. They are very busy experts, so one may expect a long wait-list. Plus, be prepared to pay significantly more if you go for private practices. When you start to stabilise: Where are the available places for psychotherapy help…

Psychotherapy – What’s it all about?

As the psychotherapy landscape in SG is still relatively less developed, compared to the other developed Western countries, many people go into therapy sessions with little understanding of what the various therapy approaches entails.  As empowerment and personal responsibility are becoming more important priorities to people, it is therefore beneficial to give explanations in more…

The Current Mental Health Landscape in Singapore (SG)

In the light of the acceleration of mental health concerns in SG, it is now recognised that there is a great need for mental health work. Recent reports in The Straits Times talks about this.  Source: While the conventional pathways of psychiatrist and medicines still seem to be to “go-to” solution for the majority in…


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I’d like to share with you my Learning Notes, through my personal journey in mental wellness.
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Rather Raw, nonetheless Real.

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